đź’Ž How 1 Man Made $2B off Vodka

Dear friends, founders, and people who remember their best friend’s AIM screen name,

Kick back and relax, because from this point forward we’re gonna get your juices flowing with 1 epic story a day.

Today’s story is about a guy who made billions inventing alcohol brands like Jager & Grey Goose.

He’s special because he…

  • Got rich off the drink that defined my 20s (Jagerbombs)

  • Launched a startup at the age of SEVENTY and sold it for $2B

  • Gave his secretary a $23M BONUS

  • Smoked the longest cigars the world has ever seen (see below)

Now that I have your attention, meet Sidney Frank.

Sidney grew up poor and was forced to drop out of college at Brown because he couldn’t afford tuition.

Then luck hit and he married a girl named Louise. Her dad was the head honcho at a spirits company called Schenley Distilleries.

(Sidney would later say, “It’s easier to marry a million dollars than to earn it.” Wise man)

Once he was in the family, he started working in the family alcohol business, but there was a Jerry-Springer-style dispute, and he got kicked out.

At this point, he had two choices:

  1. Go back to his father-in-law & beg to get back in

  2. Take his learnings and start his own alcohol biz

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