The coolest things i saw on the internet this week

Unlike most people. I don’t really have a job.

I get paid to talk (on the podcast), and to invest, so that leaves me with lots of time to do my favorite hobby…

Find nuggets of gold on the internet.

And I found 3 this week:

1) Remixing Kanye using AI

This incredible AI demo that makes any recording sound just like Kanye rapping:

Oh, cool. So now I can just make any musician sing any song!? Wow.

2) Mites are all over your strawberries

This 3 minute video explaining why tiny little mites crawl on your strawberries.

I will be triple-washing all berries from this day forth.

3) How to lose weight in 4 easy steps

This is an epic blog post about weight loss and no, it’s not what you’d expect

This is one of the most well written blog posts I’ve ever read. Really well done and worth the read.

Now, it’s your turn

Do you have any golden nuggets for me? It can be a tweet, a pdf, a song, or even a random encounters post from Craigslist.

Whatever you got, hit reply and share your golden nuggets!

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