5 Tweet Tuesday - October 15 2024

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

Out of 500M daily tweets, only 5 deserve your attention.

Here’s this week’s starting lineup:

#1 💎 

So true. Social media is like being thirsty in the ocean. You look around and all you see is ‘water’ but it’s salt water.

The more you drink, the faster you die of dehydration.

#2 💎 

Elon’s statline:

  • Age: 53

  • Net Worth: $246 Billion

  • World Changing Products: 10

  • Babies: 12

  • Baby Mamas: 3

We all know which of those numbers is most impressive.

#3 💎 

I asked the question: “people who love to read biographies - why?

It got ~500 replies, and my favorite was this:

Entertainment disguised as knowledge

It got me thinking, what else is entertainment disguised as knowledge?

  • 100% of the news

  • 100% of Twitter

  • 99% of podcasts

  • 90% of business books / biographies

  • This newsletter :)

These are content traps. Booby traps for your brain.

So then I got curious – if there’s entertainment disguised as insight… then there must be the reverse too! INSIGHT disguised as ENTERTAINMENT


  • South Park – a silly vulgar cartoon, that actually has a lot of insightful things to say

  • Standup Comedy – Dave Chapelle doesn’t really tell jokes anymore. He just tells the truth, in a way that’s disguised as humor

  • Disney/Pixar – instead of going to bible study or being lectured about morality, watching a single Pixar movie will teach a valuable lesson while keeping you entertained (whether you’re 5 years old or 50)

Note to self: more of this, less of the first stuff.

#4 💎 

Great observation.

#5 💎 


What’d you think of today’s edition? Hit ‘reply’ to this email and lemme hear it!