5 Tweet Tuesday - November 29th

Most men die at 27, we just bury them at 72

Welcome back to 5 Tweet Tuesday.

I spend all week scrolling Twitter, so you don't have to... and here are my favorite 5 tweets of the week đź’Ž


A good reminder.

Don’t get stuck.

What new things did you learn this year? Are you full of energy? Do you have an adventure coming soon that you’re looking forward to?

Don’t die at 27!

#2 đź’Ž

*nods loudly*

#3 đź’Ž

“Making space” is underrated.

If you want new good things to come to you (new relationships, new opportunities) you need to make space. Don’t fill it with crap that makes you too busy to receive what you really want.

#3.5 đź’Ž Sponsor S/O: Tweethunter

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#4 đź’Ž

He’s joking but “fake doctor boyfriend” has got to be at least a $50k/yr side hustle…

#5 đź’Ž
