5 Tweet Tuesday - May 28, 2024

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 💎 

Good reminder. Only get peer pressured by people you actually want to be like, in that specific area of life! 

(example: it’s good to get peer pressured by your fit friends, if you want to be fit)

#2 💎 

Just bought tix to the Lehman brothers play next week. I wish there was more business entertainment out there. Right now my favorite ‘business movies/shows’ ever are: 

Popular ones everyone knows about:

  1. The Big Short

  2. Silicon Valley HBO 

  3. Social Network 

  4. Jerry Mcguire (ok, not really a business movie, but a great movie) 

Less Popular, But Great: 

  1. General Magic (documentary)

  2. Boiler Room

  3. Blackberry 

  4. The Apprentice (RIP) 

  5. Office Space

#3 💎 

When I was 24, I wrote a memo to the company called “Mediocrity is the real risk”.

Failure is painful, but most businesses fail to get product-market-fit so it’s over quickly.  The more dangerous thing is mediocrity, because it drains you of your most valuable asset, your time.

#4 💎 

In both cases, the real thing is learning how to ‘think’. Writing, coding, talking – these are all just ways to think out loud. Practicing doing them, is a stealth way to practice thinking. 

#5 💎 



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