5 Tweet Tuesday - June 4, 2024

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 💎 

3 books I’m reading right now: 

Who’s got a great book recommendation for me?

#2 💎 

This is a great quote. 

But let’s be real—robots already do your dishes & laundry. Dishwashers and washing machines. That’s two robots living in your house already!

#3 💎 

This insight explains why there is so much bullshit in the world. 

Easy to make, hard to remove. 

#4 💎 

Kids: “Hey Grandpa! What did you do in your career?”

Chanos: “I bet against the greatest entrepreneur alive for a decade, and as my reward, I lost 6 billion dollars.”

#5 💎 

I'm going to tell my kids this was Drake 😂

PS: Someone tweeted out a video of what it looks like to refer a friend to this newsletter. This could be you! All you have to do is… share this link.


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