5 Tweet Tuesday - June 20, 2023

đź’Ž  5 Tweet Tuesday đź’Ž 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw this week

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 💎 I love “beautiful” print ads

I’m a sucker for print ads like this.

I have no idea if brand ads like this work, but I love them like they’re some weird version of marketing art.

#2 đź’Ž Just DO it

I’ll take it further. LIFE is a doing game.

Here’s a little trick to do this:

  • Try to "create" more than you "consume". It's really easy to get stuck just scrolling TikTok or bingeing Netflix.

The world is made up of two people: Creators & Consumers. Be more of a creator.

#3 đź’Ž I agree with Sacks on something


You can see this with friends too.

The friend who keeps complaining about the same things over and over again becomes the energy drain of your friend group.

#4 đź’Ž Adding this to my best questions file

Love this.

Stealing for my “hall of fame questions” file

#5 đź’Ž đź¤Łđź¤Łđź¤Ł


P.S. Which tweet was gold for you? Reply with the number (#1, #2, #3, #4, or #5)!


What’d you think of this email? Tap your choice below and lemme hear it 👇