5 Tweet Tuesday - June 18, 2024

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 💎 

So true.

I used to think “man, this company is such a sh*tshow. Other companies must have it figured out”

Then I realized, nobody has it figured out. Every company is messy.

#2 💎 

Good thought experiment: “where do I get my dopamine from?” 

It’s like your macros. You can get calories from doritos, or from grilled chicken & broccoli.

Are you getting dopamine from Instagram likes? Or from learning a new song on the piano?

Cheap dopamine is sugar for your brain.

#3 💎 

Getting one of these printed for my house.

#4 💎 

If meditation hasn’t clicked for you - try breathwork. Highly recommend this app, Othership. I do the 5-7 minute sessions in the morning - it’s great music + guided breathwork.

#5 💎 



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