5 Tweet Tuesday - July 9, 2024

šŸ’Ž  5 Tweet Tuesday šŸ’Ž 

If youā€™re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you donā€™t have to.

Letā€™s get to it:

#1 šŸ’Ž 

This is actually a very powerful idea. 

Relationships have arguments, disagreements, fights and ugly moments. Those are ā€œcutsā€.

You said something or did something. They said something or did something. Cut. cut, cut.

Itā€™s inevitable. Cuts will happen. Which means - the part thatā€™s in our control is what happens after the cut. 

Do you heal to 99%...or 101%? It sounds small. Just 2%. But itā€™s a massive difference.

99% means, eventually the relationship decays to zero. 101% means it gets better and better over time. 

This week, Iā€™m making it a point of emphasis to heal every cut to 101%.

#2 šŸ’Ž 

Hereā€™s two principles I use in my companies (feel free to steal):

  • Donā€™t debate, if the data is available (get the data first, then discuss) 

  • ā€œA prototype is worth a thousand meetingsā€ (building a simple way to ā€˜taste testā€™ is often faster AND better than trying to figure things out in our heads)

#3 šŸ’Ž 

Actually - I have a twist on this. Go on a ā€˜work vacationā€™

Rent a cabin. Invite your 1-2 closest collaborators. 

Donā€™t leave cabin for 7 days. Work ā€œtwo-a-daysā€ (9am-4pm, break/eat/hike, work again 7pm-2am) 

Youā€™ll make 2-3 months work of progress in 1 week. 

Iā€™ve done this many many times (used to call these hackweeks), and works every time.

#4 šŸ’Ž 

Love this writing. I recently started blogging (for the first time in years!) and wrote a post on the same topic, called Someday

#5 šŸ’Ž 



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