5 Tweet Tuesday - July 4, 2023

đź’Ž  5 Tweet Tuesday đź’Ž 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 đź’Ž Getting to a unit

First, congrats to Nick. It’s awesome to see people win

But, I don’t like the metric “net worth” for a few reasons:

  • It counts "paper gains" which are not yet realized (for most business owners 90% of net worth is tied up in their business which still has a high chance of going to zero or being cut in half)

  • People confuse 'net worth' with 'self worth'

  • Super rich people don't know their net worth. they have so many assets it's impossible to actually know

For most people, they should just focus on getting their first “unit.” That’s $10m in liquid, low risk assets.

That’s enough to make you financially free for life. Everything after that is bonus points.

#2 đź’Ž MOANA is here

For the last 10 years, FAANG has crushed almost every other investing strategy (besides “buy Bitcoin & ETH”).

With the AI wave it might be time for MOANA

make wayyyy make wayyyy đźŽ¶ đźŽ¶

#3 đź’Ž I wrote a dope thread

I wrote a thread about money wisdom (stuff I’ve learned about making money)

A fun little tip: you know a thread is good when it has more bookmarks (people saving it) than likes.

This one has 3,500 bookmarks, so I think it’s a hit.

#4 đź’Ž I actually disagree with Naval

Someone call the doctor, I think I disagree with a Naval tweet

This last week I used AI to:

  • Create a logo for my company

  • Write a funny wedding speech

  • Brainstorm headline variations for a blog post

  • Create a copyright free song for a video

All of these required creativity, and AI made me so much faster/better.

Now fast forward a decade, it’s only going to get more capable.

#5 đź’Ž đź¤Łđź¤Łđź¤Ł

🤣🤣🤣 h/t shitheadsteve

#6: BONUS 💎 Zuck’s new Twitter competitor

P.S. Which tweet was gold for you? Reply with the number (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, or #6)!


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