5 Tweet Tuesday - July 30, 2024

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 💎 

Wise words.

#2 💎 

WOW. $100M in Year 1?!

This app is a sleep tracker. You put your phone on your pillow, and it tracks your sleep - but they gamified it to “catch Pokemon” based on your sleep quality.

I’m a big fan of turning health tracking into games, rather than just hardcore numbers.

#3 💎 

Me in every corporate meeting.

#4 💎 

Fun question… here’s some of my rules for life:

  • If someone is rude to a waiter or Uber driver, they suck, do not befriend.

  • Always pour water into people’s cups at the table. It’s the little things.

  • Eat before going grocery shopping.

  • Turn every relationship into a giving contest. Aim to give more than the other person.

  • Don't drink your calories.

  • Walk into a room or house with big "HONEY IM HOME" energy.

#5 💎 



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