- 5 Tweet Tuesday
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- 5 Tweet Tuesday - July 23, 2024
5 Tweet Tuesday - July 23, 2024

💎 5 Tweet Tuesday 💎
If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.
I scroll, so you don’t have to.
Let’s get to it:
#1 💎
"You don't have to be brilliant, only a little bit wiser than the other guys, on average, for a long, long time."
—Charlie Munger
— FS (@farnamstreet)
3:56 PM • Jul 16, 2024
Compounding has 3 parts, but everyone focuses on the first two.
1 - rate of growth (%)
2 - starting amount
3 - length of runway (patience)
Buffett & Munger don’t have the highest rate of growth (theirs is around ~20% annually) but they did it for 50+ years.
As Morgan Housel said: “His skill is investing, but his secret is time”.
99% of Buffett’s net worth was accumulated after he turned 65.
#2 💎
A fantastic point. Get started today.
— Giga Based Dad (@GigaBasedDad)
9:29 PM • Jul 20, 2024
An insightful little gem from Tumblr of all places.
#3 💎
Airbnb cofounder: "I thought of a way to make a few bucks"
September 22, 2007
— Internal Tech Emails (@TechEmails)
11:29 PM • Jul 21, 2022
This is the email that created AirBnB (now, a $94B company)
The line that stood out to me? The simple: “Ha!” at the end.
Big ideas are often disguised in quirky, small packages.
What if we could push a button and a private driver showed up to pick us up, Ha!
What if we sent each other photos that self-destruct after 10 seconds, Ha!
What if we created a digital currency, based on math instead of government, Ha!
#4 💎
"The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life."
Paul Morphy once said this, maybe the best chess player in the world in the 1850s, and it's always stuck with me, I haven't been able to shake it
— Dylan O'Sullivan (@DylanoA4)
5:28 PM • Jul 19, 2024
I think there’s a lot of wisdom in this.
I first noticed this in my life about Poker. Getting to to the top 10% of players was a thrill, and taught me so many useful things. But trying to grind to the top 1% would have been a waste of the next 10 years.
I think this applies to making money too. I know many people who’ve already earned the last dollar they’ll ever spend. Now trading more life-hours for money is a foolish trade, but they can’t help themselves.
#5 💎
feel like a lot of women in their 30s are torn between sticking with their bf who’s honestly not a great candidate but he’s the nominee or risking the chaos of an open convention
— katie kadue (@kukukadoo)
9:12 PM • Jul 19, 2024
A+ politics / dating crossover joke 😂
Most business books are bad, this one is really good. I chewed it up in 3 days
— Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP)
4:26 PM • Jul 23, 2024
This had the 3 things I like in a book:
- stories (negotiating a deal with Charlie Munger)
- numbers (exact deal terms)
- lessons (from mistakes)
What’d you think of this email? Tap your choice below and lemme hear it 👇