5 Tweet Tuesday - July 16, 2024

šŸ’Ž  5 Tweet Tuesday šŸ’Ž 

If youā€™re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you donā€™t have to.

Letā€™s get to it:

#1 šŸ’Ž 

This post got over 1,000+ replies. Hereā€™s the best ones:

  • ā€œTheyā€™re happy for other peopleā€™s happinessā€ - Alex F.

  • ā€œLaugh at themselves often (donā€™t take themselves too seriously)ā€ -George M.

  • ā€œRarely put others down/criticize. They assume positive intent of othersā€

  • ā€œIf you watch them, theyā€™ve got a pep in their step when they walk. Or theyā€™re humming a song to themselvesā€

  • ā€œNot on social media/not on their phone too much. Deeply present when you talk to themā€

Love these as a simple-guide to happy living.

#2 šŸ’Ž 

This is a thought provoking question. At some level, you are your standards. (you become what you tolerate)

My answer: ā€œI have an unreasonably high standard for my day-to-day moodā€

I find that most people are completely ā€œOKā€ with simply reacting to what happens that day. Their mood flip flops based on the weather, the news, their boss etc..

Whereas I treat my mood as my fortune. I hold myself to an unreasonable standard for what mood Iā€™m in from moment to moment.

#3 šŸ’Ž 

yoā€¦ I want one of these so bad.

A headband that helps knock-you-out for naps instantly? Dear god please let this be real.

If I was on game of Thrones theyā€™d introduce me like this:

Shaan Puri, First of His Name, King of the Afternoon Nap, Sultan of Snooze, His Fully Rested Excellencey.

#4 šŸ’Ž 

This reminds me of my Uncle Vinney. Heā€™s like 70 something years old, but heā€™s the energizer bunny. Fully excited about life. Has new dreams all the time. Constantly trying new things. Genuinely feels his best days are ahead of him.

All of his peers (my uncles/aunts) feel like theyā€™re slowly packing up their bags at the end of a long vacation called Life. Whereas heā€™s got his backpack on and hitchhiker thumb out ready to roll to the next adventure.

Itā€™s the right kind of delusion. Thatā€™s my goal to feel that way when Iā€™m older. Actually f*ck it, I wanna feel like that TODAY!

#5 šŸ’Ž 


P.S. - Iā€™ve recently started WRITING again. And I love it.

Iā€™m going to start sending some of my essays/blog posts to this list.

No action needed on your end, just a heads up that Iā€™m going to be sending some fun wisdom your way soon.āœŒļø


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