5 Tweet Tuesday

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

The best 5 tweets i saw this week 💎 

Let's dive in:

#1 💎  

Reminder to myself: Do not live the “deferred life plan” (waiting for later to do what you want) 

#2 💎  

Agreed. Start small if you don’t have momentum

When I was 21, I gave myself a $1,000 challenge. My whole goal was to make $1,000 in one weekend. And I would try every weekend until I did it.

Did it in week 2 with a “custom wristband” drop ship business back in 2010.

#3 💎  

One of the greatest turnarounds ever. 

Few can climb out of the pits of a "bad" startup idea.  The Notion guys did it. 

#4 💎  

This is too good 🤣 

#5 💎  


P.S. We're getting our first merch in (hoodies, you'll love it) made soon. First dibs will go to people with the most referrals. tell a friend to subscribe to this using this link so it keeps track of your referrals!