5 Tweet Tuesday - December 2th

The 4 Best AirBnB Accounts on Twitter

Welcome back to 5 Tweet Tuesday.

I spend all week scrolling Twitter, so you don't have to... and here are my favorite 5 tweets of the week đź’Ž


The brain is a “question answering machine”.

If you want to think more clearly, just start asking different questions.

The tweet above has 2 good questions to ask yourself as you make plans for the new year.

#2 đź’Ž

These are 4 great people to follow if you’re interested in doing AirBnBs.

#3 đź’Ž

One of my favorite people to follow is this Car Dealership Guy. He gives out simple insights into what’s going on in the car market (and therefore, the US economy)

#4 đź’Ž

Some good answers:

  • Alexa automation so that when you realize you’re out of something, you can say “alexa add ICE CREAM to my shopping list” and it adds it

  • Automatically put phone in “Do Not Disturb” mode when it touches the desk (using NFC tags)

  • Managing an online course using Zapier & Convertkit

#5 đź’Ž
