5 Tweet Tuesday - August 27, 2024

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 💎 

Very true. I need this reminder in all my fortune cookies.

#2 💎 

Warren Buffett during the 1994 presidential election (Bill Clinton won):

“We will continue to ignore political and economic forecasts which are a distraction to investors and businessmen.

… “a set of major shocks is sure to occur in the next 30 years. We will not try to predict them or profit from them.”

(Btw, I love Buffett quotes the way women love muscular forearms)

#3 💎 

This guy made $100M selling 5 inch short-shorts to dudes. (Preston created Chubbies)

I totally agree with his advice. The fastest way to learn is to sell your product in person. You can go to a fair, or conference, or host a meet up. You’ll learn more in 2 hours of ‘live selling’ than you will in 6 months behind a desk.

Btw - this works with any product. Not just e-commerce. When we were making social apps, I used to volunteer to teach at high schools. At the end of class I’d try to ‘sell’ (convince) the students to download our app.

I did it over-and-over again. Every school visit was a massive ass-whooping and learning session in trying to create things people actually want.

#4 💎 

The surprising thing is - even when people realize they’re on the wrong mountain, they just keep going.

“People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.” - Tim Ferriss

The great ones are different tho. The great ones are willing to re-invent themselves. They value their time over their comfort. So they refuse to waste time on the wrong mountain. They are willing to go back down to the bottom, and find a new trail - a new mountain to climb.

That’s what makes them great.

#5 💎 

This newsletter is my top of the pyramid 😂

P.S: I’ve been scaling my sales & customer service teams with some ace talent from South Africa. They have native English and high closing rates.

I just hired a rep named Julian. He’s crushing it right now, and the market rate for sales guys with 2-3 years of experience is ~$18K/year. (big help to margins because we’re bootstrapping the business)

Here are four more reps in the pipeline that are ready to be hired:

  • Keegan - 33 yrs old, experience in B2B sales, $18k / yr

  • Ty - 26 yrs old, experience working in software companies, broke the 30-day sales record at his old company, $21k / yr

  • Paul - experience working in international markets, experience with SaaS companies, former business owner, $33k/ yr

  • Kiara - 4 yrs experience in business development, background in mechanical engineering, $16k / yr

Lemme know if you want an intro to any of them – just reply to this email.

(Note: alongside being a happy customer, I am also an investor in Somewhere - the company I use as my recruiter to find me great sales reps in South Africa).

What’d you think of today’s edition? Hit ‘reply’ to this email and lemme hear it!