5 Tweet Tuesday - August 13, 2024

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

If you’re new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw in the past 7 days.

I scroll, so you don’t have to.

Let’s get to it:

#1 💎 

A funny observation of life: I spent the first 18 years of my life trying to FIT IN at school. I tried to blend in. Hide my weird quirks. They were a liability.

Then - I’ve spent the rest of my life trying to STAND OUT. Embracing my quirks. Want to get a job or date? Don’t blend in with the crowd. Stand out. My quirks became an asset.

This is something I’m going to try to teach my kids. Keep your quirks.

#2 💎 

I love the phrasing - “everything else is accouterments”. So true. The 80/20 of quality of life is health, family & enjoying your work.

#3 💎 

I call these 1-chart businesses. I have a friend crushing with a gut supplement business right now. The numbers are insane.

He doesn't need a 20-page business plan. He just needs this 1-chart. That's it. This is the story of why the business is winning.

Gut health, microplastics/forever chemicals, and Ozempi - that's the holy trinity of health trends right now. Huge waves to surf as a founder.

#4 💎 


If someone calls me an ugly turtle. It has no affect. I see no truth in it. If someone calls me a ‘fake guru’, I get a little defensive! Why? Because I fear there’s some truth in it.

My freshman roommate had a poster on the wall. He put it up on our first day of move-in, and it was the poem IF. I looked at that poster probably 4 million times. It had one amazing line:

“If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;” - Rudyard Kipling.

#5 💎 


PS - if you’re hiring sales people for your company - check this out. This thread has a few incredible candidates available for hire today. They’re in South Africa, perfect english, with sales experience, for less than $10 per hour.

This edition of 5TT is brought to you by Somewhere.com - helping you hire incredible talent that cost 5X LESS by finding top talent for you overseas.


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