5 Tweet Tuesday

💎  5 Tweet Tuesday 💎 

If you're new around here, every week I share the 5 best tweets I saw.

I scroll, so you don't have to!

Let's dive in:

#1 💎 I know they’re printing

Every time I see direct response ads and quiz funnels I think the same - they must be printing.

One example I just learned about - Kilo Health, a European company that has over 5m customers all acquired from quiz funnels.

Hit reply with other examples you’ve seen and I’ll share them all in next week’s edition

#2 💎 Patrick, congrats on going viral

My buddy Patrick recently sold his company for $250m and has a a sweet jumper (we played basketball together last year)

So, when I saw that he was going viral for this, i couldn’t help but laugh.

Is it kinda insane to do an offsite with your wife? Yes.

Is operating your marriage with a “high output style” wild? Yes.

Do I think it probably results in more alignment and happiness long term? Also, yes.

All of those things can be true!

P.S. Patrick, congrats on going viral for the first time, you’ve made it

#3 💎 Please don’t do this

I’m hosting a webinar workshop with my boy Nick Huber (@sweatystartup) in a few hours today, where we show you how we hire & train employees in the Philippines.

  • I hire ~80% of my team in the Philippines / South America

  • This saves me a ton of money (they’re 10x cheaper than Americans)

  • And over the past 10 years have learned a bunch of lessons

  • If you’re showering on camera during the webinar, I will kick you out!

We hit 5,000 sign ups so far and even if you can’t make it live, we’ll send you the tips and recording after. Fo’ free.

Sign up here (it’s at 2pm EST today).

#4 💎 Apple announces the new headset

I’m guessing you’ve heard about it, but Apple announced their new $3,500 headset on Monday.

I watched the full announcement yesterday and I thought there was one possible breakout use case - watching movies and tv shows.

I’m not overly excited by it tbh, but I’m 100% buying one when it comes out.

Here’s the thing: Facebook has reportedly sold over 20m headsets…Apple will definitely sell atleast 1m of these out of the gates.

That’s $3.5B dollars. Billion with a B.

Emmett (the former co-founder and CEO of Twitch) had a good take on why Google Glass failed. It wasn’t about that look.

I think it’s definitely in play that the Apple headset falls into the same category.

Great idea, Marc! This will work

Another killer idea - build something for developers to test the apps they’re building and get data back on the user experience

I’m curious…what’s your take on the Apple headset? You buying one when it comes out?

#5 💎 LOL, it’s tax season again


P.S. Which tweet was gold for you? Reply with the number (#1, #2, #3, #4, or #5)!